We know that visiting anywhere for the first time can be a nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re a charter member here or if you’ve never heard of us until right now, we consider it a gift that you want to know more about us. Here’s some info to let you know a little more about who we are.
All are welcome! We really mean this. No matter how you’re dressed, no matter where your life has taken you, even if you’re not sure on this whole “God” thing, we believe that God loves you and we live that out by welcoming everyone here.
What is worship like?
Our worship style is a wonderful mix of traditional Lutheran worship, with a “come as you are” attitude. Most of our services are lead on a piano. We have a vocal choir and bell choir who often contribute special music. We sing hymns. We pray. We read scripture. And we believe that in all of it, God is praised. We also have a campfire worship on Wednesday evenings in the summer that is more informal and is (weather permitting) outside and around a fire.
What about Communion?
We believe that at God’s table, all are welcome without exception. We celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. If you are hungry for the grace of God, then you are welcome at Christ’s table. No exceptions.
What about snacks?
We have great snacks! You are welcome to come before worship for coffee or lemonade and some treats in our fellowship hall. You don’t have to buy anything – just come and enjoy!
How do children fit into your Church?
We like kids. A noisy worship space is a sign of life! We have kids leading some aspect of almost every worship service. They are such a blessing in our community.
What’s the dress code?
There’s no dress code here. Come in whatever you feel most comfortable in. Some people come in jeans and a t-shirt. Some come in suits and dresses. Some fall somewhere in between. Whatever you will be most comfortable in is what you should wear.
If you have any other questions, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter, or just give us a call at (218) 837-5831. Our office administrator, Rita, will be glad to help you!